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I don't think so because in west bengal people marry earlier and very fast ,the girls marry at the age of 16,18 and whereas boy they marry at the age of 19,20

bhuyali saroj

Earlier women had no say in any matter that concerned them including marriage..they married whoever the parents chose and managed the home.Thankfully, now with education and financial freedom women do not take things for granted and give in to any kind of parental or any other kind of pressures.So, they are not ready to get married unless they are sure which may be in the late twenties after they have had a taste of life and freedom like men.So naturally the age at which they decide to get married too has increased ..Some of them may want to go in for live in relationships rather than take on the whole responsibility of marriage, it is really upto the couple !

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Women are coming of age certainly. Women now more than anytime  are able to chart out what they need in a clear manner. No compromise whatsoever.


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