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To lead a a full contented life is not possible, unless, one is an Ascetic and live in Himalayas or in such places,

Life will be peaceful for those people who often spend their time for prayer and meditation because they can maintain a very close relationship with God. They get lots of blessings from above and so they do not have time to think about their worries. Holy spirit helps them to lead a very happy life. Always give prime importance to God. 

I do my Meditation not for the blessings, but to keep my body and soul together. It makes me strong both mentally and physically. It strengthens my immunity. Naturally an ailment free life gives me everlasting health. Being healthy makes me happy.


It is worth noting that people who do not spend most of their time praying or in meditation are also happy, healthy and their body and soul also remains together. Happiness is a state of mind and depends on one's personality and nature.


Whatever it may be, do it with heart and soul. Follow your heart. If yoga is your love, do it. There is no specific thing . But whatever you do do it be it dancing or singing.

If we get satisfied what we have then no one can be unhappy

bhuyali saroj

Satisfaction, Success , Happiness or even other opposite traits are all temporary since no one in this world is permanently happy or satisfied or successful ! If one can remain reasonably stable even when one is unhappy or unsatisfied that is good enough ..

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

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