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STephen Hawking..
Yes sridevi

you are right.

Guess the person in this image,

charles-20100720.jpg (You do not have access to download this file.)
Think I have seen the picture some time back, but unable to guess.
@Sajeetharan.. Please reveal..

@all...In the meantime, can you guess this picture?
Hint: Author

he is none other than "charles dickens"

hope am right. Guys please show some interest on this thread
Yes sajeetharan right.. and who is the picture that u had last posted?
He is John Logie Baird , who is inventor of television..hope you got it

guess the person in this image.. :woohoo:
Yes sridevi you are correct. the person above photo is tulsidas. he is a philosopher.
Who is this person below?

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

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