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Yes sridevi ..

you are right!
Find out the person in this pic. hope this one is easy.

Sorry. I think iam very weak in identifying the personalities. The last image looks like a sports player.That's the only thing i can find out :)

When you are answering correctly, please put a short description of the personality so that we can improve our knowledge.
no one has come up with an answer?
I think some boxer..

And I would like to suggest to use smaller photos in order to take up less storage space, otherwise loading might get slow.
He is olympic medal winner.

sushil kumar

yes you are right.

guess the person in the above photos
Can you give a simple clue? My god if he is a freedom fighter shame to me!!

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Wow what a thread you are amazing at creating games and interesting quizes. I hereby accord you the name quiz master. But I could not recognise this one. Keep it up.

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