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Our regular interactions on this platform kills all the distance!!
Really chinmoy,

Nowdays there is a deep interaction between members on forums. Good sign. Before a month it looked like a empty ground!
We must engage new members and encourage them to be more proactive by praising their good work.Over the past few some new members have shown a lot of promise which to my mind,is a very postive sign for our site.
I feel very comfortable with the team members of Boddunan. The encouragement and support makes us to achieve more. :) :) .Thank you all.
Thanks a lot,Nagalakshmi! You are one of those very active members who took to forum activities like ducks take to water!!!Very good! Keep it up!
So nagalakshmi, we used to rag new members here since we are seniors. So, we are asking you to give treat for us!
Many old members are busy while new members rocking here!!
Raja,nagalakshmi,harshil are good example!
Kavita is also coming up very well.Of the relatively new members Neetu has been making very laudable contribution.On the whole,the new members are really doing well!
Sajeetharan, I agree to give the treat in chennai. But you must get me a train ticket or if you prefer a flight ticket from hyderabad to chennai. ;) :P .Preferably FIRST CLASS. ;) :P
Thanks for the wishes and compliments,Chinmoy.I will keep up my good work!!! :) :)
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