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Yes this is due to work tensions and other stress related things which we are facing these days.

when they are running behind life, to keep everyone in the family...they often forget dates. That's why I never complaint :cheer: :cheer:

I agree I also forget dates but I usually set reminders in my mobile phone for important dates and that is the way I don't get taunts from friends and family that I forget dates. :laugh:
I am always recalled the DOB of my brother and sister by my cousin sister. Sometimes my NANI recall my mother for wishing our relatives.

I always forget DATES.

Want to make each day Accountable

I generally don't forget the important dates. Some remain in mind and some in mobile reminder.
If we saved the date in our mobile calendar it will remind you. Now my mobile only reminding the dates.
:cheer: :cheer:

man = forget

mobile = for + get
If we saved the date in our mobile calendar it will remind you. Now my mobile only reminding the dates.
:cheer: :cheer:

man = forget

mobile = for + get

Nice equation shared.Mobile helps us to get even many things like insurance date or car servicing date.
If we saved the date in our mobile calendar it will remind you. Now my mobile only reminding the dates.
:cheer: :cheer:

man = forget

mobile = for + get

Nice equation shared.Mobile helps us to get even many things like insurance date or car servicing date.

Yes. :)
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