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Yes Yes they do! My dad forgets my birthday :huh:

Live in the present :)
Where is the need to remember the dates? There are sufficient ways to record and get timely warning through mobile phone and computer applications. I even send congratulations to friends on birthday through advance email. enables you to write an email today and record the date on which this will be sent. Facebook/ Google + also gives advance information about such events.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

I don't agree I remember my wife's B'day at least I know I will have to bear her anger for at least 2 days. :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

how many times have you bear it sanjeev?/ :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

Meera sandhu
Where is the need to remember the dates? There are sufficient ways to record and get timely warning through mobile phone and computer applications. I even send congratulations to friends on birthday through advance email. enables you to write an email today and record the date on which this will be sent. Facebook/ Google + also gives advance information about such events.

yes, technology is helping us to remember our friends date now.
It helps me also ;)

Meera sandhu
yes, most of the men forget the dates, even my dad forgets his my mother birthday. sometimes even marriage day. Actually men always be with tension minded. so they will forget all these things and always be stressful

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

yes, most of the men forget the dates, even my dad forgets his my mother birthday. sometimes even marriage day. Actually men always be with tension minded. so they will forget all these things and always be stressful

yes. They don't have time to remember the things.
Men always struggle in some thing or the other issue so they wont have time and men are not much emotional compare to women that why women remember the dates as they are precious she feel but men never. there are very rare men who remember dates

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

This is very common with men. Many a times it happens with us also . It is due to work stress and indulgement in other official and daily personal works.
Yes this is due to work tensions and other stress related things which we are facing these days.

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Yes this is due to work tensions and other stress related things which we are facing these days.

when they are running behind life, to keep everyone in the family...they often forget dates. That's why I never complaint :cheer: :cheer:

Meera sandhu
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