We are living in an age, where most of the parents declare proudly.
‘Do you know, my 4 year old knows how to play computer games?’
‘Do you know my child exactly imitates Phantom?’
But, there are very very less children who were more focused right from their formative years on those things which make them very special in the days to come. They are destined to become child prodigies.
Here are a few such child prodigies.
Akrit Jaswal, Child Surgeon.

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These kids are blessed and are amazing. I wish we too were focused right from our early ages. Parents and teachers play a very important role in helping their kids to come up with such excellent and amazing talents.
These kids are blessed and are amazing. I wish we too were focused right from our early ages. Parents and teachers play a very important role in helping their kids to come up with such excellent and amazing talents.

Parents and teachers will not allow their children to focus on their things of interest simply dismissing them as " childish behaviour."That's an unpardonable mistake.
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