If your answer is ‘YES”, think again and see, how behind every Hindu tradition , there is a scientific proof.
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Though the presentation title includes the word 'shocking', probably apt because people, well most, find it hard to believe that there is any essence at all in most Hindu traditions. But our ancestors were indeed very wise and were far advanced in Medicine, technology, philosophy etc. and hence they started these in a bid to make our race healthy, wealthy and wise. Unfortunately, for majority, these traditions have turned into mere rituals without understanding the underlying importance of them and for the few who find it fashionable to mock these traditions as being nothing but utter nonsense, the importance and utility of these traditions is quite lost!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

All traditions are not superstitions. Also all traditions are not harmful. But it is amusing to see that a class of Hindu chauvanists are in constant search of 'scientific proof' for each and every ritual. However 'scientific proof' is given by those who have not even remote contact wirh Science or scientific approach.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

All traditions are not superstitions. Also all traditions are not harmful. But it is amusing to see that a class of Hindu chauvanists are in constant search of 'scientific proof' for each and every ritual. However 'scientific proof' is given by those who have not even remote contact wirh Science or scientific approach.

Pseudo scientific proofs will not stand and a over a period, they die a natural death. Real traditions are meant to do good to the society and inject discipline in to the social life.
Thank you said by: Gulshan Kumar Ajmani
It takes a long lng time for any practice to become tradition and be accepted . This can happen only when it gets time tested - but over a period of time there can be dilution or some unwanted additions added to it which makes it seem more superstition than an accepted practice...In our own interest , we should analyse any tradition and follow it only if it suits our purpose and lifestyle, not because it is being done by everyone or because it is the done thing !

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

We begin to practice the traditions and rituals of our religion from the early stages of our childhood. Most of us blindly follow the manners of our elders and parents, knowingly or unknowingly about the truth behind them. Nobody is bothered to investigate the reality behind these acts, till we get educated, experienced and start thinking independently and seriously about this life and its miracles.
The efficacy and significance of Hindu traditions were proved thousands of years ago through holy scriptures Vedas and Upanishads. Over the years foreign invasions and foreign Rule influenced the Indians Many traditions and cultures invaded India , subsequently joining in to the main stream of Indian life. This resulted in ignoring and forgetting about our own roots and origins.
Now due to galloping technological developments the entire world started seeing the strength and depth of Indian traditions in their real perspective.
The efficacy and significance of Hindu traditions were proved thousands of years ago through holy scriptures Vedas and Upanishads. Over the years foreign invasions and foreign Rule influenced the Indians Many traditions and cultures invaded India , subsequently joining in to the main stream of Indian life. This resulted in ignoring and forgetting about our own roots and origins.
Now due to galloping technological developments the entire world started seeing the strength and depth of Indian traditions in their real perspective.

Many explanations of our traditions and rituals do not seem convincing because of the scientific knowledge available today and these may look superstitious in nature. However traditions and rituals are the backbone of a religion and Hindu religion has many tremendous traditions which Hindus follow gladly. They are binding in nature.
Thank you said by: Gulshan Kumar Ajmani
The efficacy and significance of Hindu traditions were proved thousands of years ago through holy scriptures Vedas and Upanishads. Over the years foreign invasions and foreign Rule influenced the Indians Many traditions and cultures invaded India , subsequently joining in to the main stream of Indian life. This resulted in ignoring and forgetting about our own roots and origins.
Now due to galloping technological developments the entire world started seeing the strength and depth of Indian traditions in their real perspective.

Many explanations of our traditions and rituals do not seem convincing because of the scientific knowledge available today and these may look superstitious in nature. However traditions and rituals are the backbone of a religion and Hindu religion has many tremendous traditions which Hindus follow gladly. They are binding in nature.

Though not all traditions, some have a scientific reason behind them. For example, its only now Haldi or Turmeric has been recognized as a good antiseptic beauty aid by the west. This practice was there since ages in Hindu culture.
Oldest survive religion of the world, and it is the only religion to be survived from BC and it stays in time of dark ages, it has been under many testings but stands tall amongst the rest.


The efficacy and significance of Hindu traditions were proved thousands of years ago through holy scriptures Vedas and Upanishads. Over the years foreign invasions and foreign Rule influenced the Indians Many traditions and cultures invaded India , subsequently joining in to the main stream of Indian life. This resulted in ignoring and forgetting about our own roots and origins.
Now due to galloping technological developments the entire world started seeing the strength and depth of Indian traditions in their real perspective.

Many explanations of our traditions and rituals do not seem convincing because of the scientific knowledge available today and these may look superstitious in nature. However traditions and rituals are the backbone of a religion and Hindu religion has many tremendous traditions which Hindus follow gladly. They are binding in nature.

Though not all traditions, some have a scientific reason behind them. For example, its only now Haldi or Turmeric has been recognized as a good antiseptic beauty aid by the west. This practice was there since ages in Hindu culture.

The break in beliefs in our traditions took place because of 1000 years of foreign domination, which made us lose faith in our own culture. Today also ifte West supports our tradition by its own studies we feel elated. Need is for our own people to prove our cultural claims by our own investigations and present them in international forums.
Thank you said by: Kalyani Nandurkar
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