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Very impressive link. I never knew the scientific significance of all the Hindu traditions. Great to learn the significance now.

I'm a keen follower of this exhaustive site, that gives atrue picture of several of Hinduism customs and rituals as opined by great international geniuses.
Very impressive link. I never knew the scientific significance of all the Hindu traditions. Great to learn the significance now.

Thanks for the link and it was very useful and I too gained a new insight to many issues and Hindu traditions. It was interesting to know that the translation of varna vyastha should have been class system and not caste system as was done by the Portugese when they landed in Goa. Caste means jatti and not varna.
Traditions cannot be superstitious it is the beliefs that are. Many reasons behind rituals can be superstitous.
Very impressive link. I never knew the scientific significance of all the Hindu traditions. Great to learn the significance now.

Thanks for the link and it was very useful and I too gained a new insight to many issues and Hindu traditions. It was interesting to know that the translation of varna vyastha should have been class system and not caste system as was done by the Portugese when they landed in Goa. Caste means jatti and not varna.
Traditions cannot be superstitious it is the beliefs that are. Many reasons behind rituals can be superstitous.

It's due to the self styled religious gurus also ,many of Hinndu cultural aspects were mis interpreted and abused.
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