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This kind of cheapness ultimately flows downwards to lower levels where even officials start using foul language as and when they want and no one can question them ..The other day some foreigners were telling me that India is represented by its embassies in other countries as well by the way it works , utter chaos and no one seems to know anything for sure ..

Right! The lower the echelons of a government office, the fouler and ruder the language becomes! I have experienced it on occasions, especially in the Passport office. No one complains because complaining will only get your work halted!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

This kind of cheapness ultimately flows downwards to lower levels where even officials start using foul language as and when they want and no one can question them ..The other day some foreigners were telling me that India is represented by its embassies in other countries as well by the way it works , utter chaos and no one seems to know anything for sure ..

Right! The lower the echelons of a government office, the fouler and ruder the language becomes! I have experienced it on occasions, especially in the Passport office. No one complains because complaining will only get your work halted!

Instead of making things easier and helpful for people who naturally don't know the ins and outs and what documents to take, they make it as complicated as possible and when you compare it to other embassies it is really frustrating to know that even with computers ,man power and advanced technologies we still tend to behave as if we are in the 19th century..

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

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