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A new employee asked a senior employee, "How long  have you been working here?"

The senior replied, " Ever since the Boss threatened to fire me."

Lol.. Then he started working after that, before than that he was just time passing.


The Art teacher has given his students an assignment to draw a Self Portrait.

 One of the students asked, 'Of anyone?"

Good one simple yet powerful, just a make sense and it is a laugh sense. Here is another simple joke

How does NASA organised parties for their employees? 

In planets

Why did the cannibal breakup with his girl friend ?

The cannibal's reply was, "She is not up to my taste."

Wife joins English speaking class.


After few days.


Wife : Welcome home darling.


Husband : I m so tired today.


Wife : Ok. Rest in Peace.

Boss: Where were you born?
Santa : India ..
Boss: which part?
Santa : What 'which part'? Whole body was born in India .

Laughter is the best medicine, but if you are laughing without a cause then you need medicine.

That is insanity which needs immediate medical attention.

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