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Have no truck with.

To reject or to have nothing to do with.

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As brown as a berry.

Brownie points.

A notional mark of achievement, or kudos for performing some creditable act.

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Brumagem screw driver.

a hammer.


As daft as a brush.

Very foolish.

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Bubble and squeak.

In the 18 th century this was a dish of fried meat and cabbage.

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The buck stops here.

Responsibility is not passed on beyond this point.

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Buckle down.

Apply oneself to hard work.

This is a US phrase.

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Bums on seats.

The paying audience at a venue with seating,usually a theatre or cinema.

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A bun in the oven.


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Burn the candle at both ends.

to live at a hectic pace.

Our current understanding of this phrase refers to a life that is lived.

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Burning the midnight oil.

To work late into the night.Originally this way by the light of an oil lamp or candle.

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