Whenever i watch TV and a commercial advertisement comes on it i change the channel as i don't like to see them :evil: and go to other channel but forget to come back to the previous channel :woohoo: and repent afterwards for missing the program. :woohoo: :woohoo: Does it happen to you guys? :)
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I love to see only advertisement and no programs.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

I love to see only advertisement and no programs.

Really funny...ha ha :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

About me....months have passed since I watched TV. By girl also don't give it to us :P

Meera sandhu
Yes i too does not like to see advertisement and i used to change a channel but i return to the same channel after end of advertisement.........
Yes it rarely happens to me. But usually I dont forget to get back to the channel. This is common problem and I have noticed it in many people. My father has the same problem he will always forget to switch back to the same channel.
yes they want to see the program not the advertisement.these advertisement are really boring.........
We also don't see TV at home.But recently started to see SATYMEV JOYATE.

That serial which is hosted by Aamir khan..Really nice one.........
Amir Khan has started a revolution.We should support him.

We also don't see TV at home.But recently started to see SATYMEV JOYATE.

Can you tell me please what was the previous episode about??? I missed it :evil:

Meera sandhu
We also don't see TV at home.But recently started to see SATYMEV JOYATE.

Can you tell me please what was the previous episode about??? I missed it :evil:

i have written an article and approved and also published.Check there-A true protest.

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