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Throwing things is better than talking it may hurt many ones.

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Throwing things is better than talking it may hurt many ones.

Good idea!!!
But it makes more voice too!!! Also throwing things may break causing loss of money too!!! :woohoo:

How is your monitor now? :cheer:

Meera sandhu
Anger is a negative and destructive feeling. This will provoke you to do only destroying, throwing away, breaking etc. In extreme anger, one may even kill himself.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

yes, arjun palwai is right. In anger if we speak badly it may hurt people. So throwing things is right. though it is loss of money.but relations are good that money right

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Nothing happened to my monitor as my wife stopped me when throwing it.

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Anger is a negative and destructive feeling. This will provoke you to do only destroying, throwing away, breaking etc. In extreme anger, one may even kill himself.

Even others!!!!!! :cheer:

Meera sandhu
yes, arjun palwai is right. In anger if we speak badly it may hurt people. So throwing things is right. though it is loss of money.but relations are good that money right

Suppose we throw things on the one we are angry upon, would it not make our relations more bad?

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yes, arjun palwai is right. In anger if we speak badly it may hurt people. So throwing things is right. though it is loss of money.but relations are good that money right

Am talking about gabbar's monitor. It's a recently bought one. Isn't it? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Meera sandhu
In that case his relations with Boddunan will go bad, once his computer gone.

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HE may not throw his system monitor sandhya as it is so expensive

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

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