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I know this is not easy to do this but if some one can manage this and throw his anger away there is nothing better than that.

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It is better than throwing things to other which will make us lose.

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Anyother tip to control anger that is when you get anger, try to count numbers your thinking will change or if you anyone anger then give them a glass of cool water. they will instantly get cool and their voice manner will change

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Anyother tip to control anger that is when you get anger, try to count numbers your thinking will change or if you anyone anger then give them a glass of cool water. they will instantly get cool and their voice manner will change

What about pouring that glass of cool water over his head :P :P :P

Meera sandhu
Any thing that deviates you from that particular point will help you keep away from anger.

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yes, if you are much close to the person then you can even pour bucket of cool water on the person who is angry

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Throwing water on not so close ones would like infuriate him more and he would start throwing more things on us.

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yes you are right sunil, but there is a chance of reduction of anger a bit so that they won't throw more things

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

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