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no there is no such restriction on forum section you can post as much as you can.
You can post multiple post but the forum must be understandable.

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we can answer n number of answers but, it must be relevant to the topic.

Yes you are right vinodh there is unlimited answer can make here but with different views.

Earn money just for joining in this site.

No, there is no limit for answering. You can post as much you can.
I got to know that we can't post more than 5 topics within a time interval of 2hrs. Is there any limit in answering the questions in the forum.
How many questions can we answer in the forum per day.

There are no limits in posting new topics and replying to other posts.
Some friends are ignoring spellings and simple grammatical rules in their replies. We must be more mindful on this score!
Some friends are ignoring spellings and simple grammatical rules in their replies. We must be more mindful on this score!

Chinmoy ji, here many friends are new, many of them are beginners. grammatic mistakes will be corrected by themself slowly.

Well, the basic intention here should be to add value through your posts rather than accumulation of points...!
That is ok,Vinodh! But they should not take too much time to make me forget my spellings!!!
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