Articles [Arts & Science]

Definition of Force. Force is some natural phenomenon that changes the state of the motion of the body that is it accelerates the body. Now let us define a unit of Force arbitrarily (e.g. a standard spring being stretched 1 cm under elastic limit...

About 5000 years ago, a great civilization arose in the valley of the five rivers-the Punjab. It lasted for about a thousands years. Then it lay buried under layers and layers of the earth for century after century. Nobody knew anything about it...

Difference between an electron and beta particles Electron is subatomic particles that are they are one of the constituent which atoms are made of. For any atom you'd find electron revolving around it as you may say.. Beta particles are...

Light on refraction What happens to the wavelength and the frequency of light on refraction? Compton Effect in light which dealt with collision between photons and electrons provided the energy was in the right range. In the collision between...

Black holes By quantum mechanical treatment one can show that even in vacuum their some energy exists. Actually a pair of virtual form and annihilate each other. but in the event horizon, there is a possibility that one particle will fall & lost...

CONTROL AND COORDINATION Living organisms depend upon their surrounding or environment. They respond and react to their environment. Conditions like chemical, thermal, electrical, photic, etc. in the environment always keep changing. To keep...

HUMAN REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM Man is unisexual. There is a distinct sexual dimorphism. Males can be easily distinguished from female by many character, such as physical standerds, externals genetial organs and accessory sex characters. Human...

GENERAL PRINCIPLES OF EXTRACTION OF METAL All the materials found in the earth are comprosed of element. There are about 112 element known which constitute the entire matter on the earth. Therefore, the elements are regarded as the building blocks...

ELECTRONEGATIVITY The tendency of an atom in a compound to attract a pair of bounded electron towards itself is known as electronegativity of the atom. It is important to note that electron affinity and electonegativity both measure the electrons...

Our bodies are controlled by the nerves from the brain. The nerves from the brain cross over at the level of the neck and go to the opposite side of the body. The right half the brain serves the left half of the body, and voice versa. In the case...

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