Scientific technology

Science and technology are fast improvement in our India.

Scientific and technological advancement is unavoidable if a nation is to participate in modern life absorb its changes. It helps man in meeting the challenge which modern life offers and teaches him how to use a luxury item as the source of a satisfying primary need in the quickest manner. For instance, T.V. was considered as a comfort and luxury a few decades ago. But now it has become the primary source of fresh news bulletins every hour and is one of the greatest media for distance education and helps interaction with the administrators and the governed. So what was a luxury in yester years has become the basic source of essential knowledge in our social environment. So scientific and technological advancement is indispensable if we are to save is our energy and time in modern life.

Nuclear weapons

It helps man in meeting external nature and its threats and fury in an adroit manner. For instance the constant threat of famine and uncertain floods has been met with contraction of dams. In addition to it, manufacture of nuclear weapons has given us the power to defend ourselves from external aggressions. So scientific and technological advancement is indispensable not only if we are to progress but also to survive and find our proper place on the globe.

Creative energy

Moreover it is scientific and technological advancement that makes the research-minded creative intelligence of the nation’s youth received fresh stimulus. Without promise of progress in that direction they would lose all zest for work and activity. Thus the creative native genius suffers leading not only to deny – progress but also to misdirected creative energy that proves detrimental to the nation and its domestic peace and security. So scientific and technological advancement, it is necessary to protect our selves from domestic disturbances, external threats and also for progressing along with fellow-countries.



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