Mascara is one of the most used cosmetics. Over 85% of women say mascara to a greater or lesser degree to use. The one occasionally and for other daily ritual and indispensable in the bag. How to make the lashes are beautiful?

Curled or not?

Not everyone has beautiful eyelashes that curled upwards. But almost everyone wants to do, it gives a more open-minded expression and so at a number of women going to the wimpelkruller useful. The wimperkrullen is a lightweight metal tongs' with a rubber bumper (looks at the bottom of a pair of scissors) and in all major drugstores for sale. This puts your tongs as it were the eye lashes and then between the clamps. Always after applying eye shadow and mascara for making the application.

Do you have very straight eyelashes do it in 2 or 3 steps and puts down the eyelash curler at the base of the lashes, and then halfway again to 3 / 4 of the lashes. Every time a few seconds in the same position holding.
A tip for the very unruly eyelashes, heat the eyelash few seconds with your hairdryer.

A tan

Although the black mascara by far the most popular, there are several colors on the market. Brown, eggplant, midnight blue and deep green colors that are some multiple brands back up coming. The bulk is not waterproof, but be careful when purchasing or you do not need waterproof mascara. Indeed, fast watery eyes are not really nice mascara for more than a breath of wind on the eyes already starting to run.

What to bring?

Depending on the effect you can afford one or more layers, but never too much time between leave. The mascara is not completely dry and hard. Apply the mascara immediately after the eyelash curler has done its job and get the lashes from the bottom up at the base toward the tip of the hairs and go after a wimperkammetje through (again from the start to tip) to remove any glued hair go to comb. Repeat the process if you want to achieve dramatic and full glance. Mascara on the lower lashes gives a youthful look and a heavy step on the upper lashes look very dramatic (especially if this is combined with an eyeliner).

Manual or automatic

The mascara is applied with a straight motion, but you can also light zigzagging muster. For the latter form there is a mascara that does this automatically. The roller then makes mascara lights zigzagging movements like the mascara you back from starting point to get through your lashes. The lashes appear here - if properly applied - with a bit more. Obviously there is the combs immediately after moving to the lashes to prevent clots.


Purchase oogmakeremover for eyes with waterproof mascara or mascara are made simple. Which is a little greasy waterproof mascara (in oil) substance, but it needed to properly remove mascara. Never rub the eyes, but keeps the cotton pad with the remover on your eyes for a few seconds and then gently wipe the makeup away. To view the night as 'peace' to indicate there are special creams and gels on the market. Pay attention, not all creams and gels are designed to lubricate the eye.

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