History of the pad and tampon

Every woman is menstruating. For centuries. But how did women here before with this? Since when do we know when the pad and the pad is created?

Long ago: pad and tampon

Almost all of history there was a big taboo about menstruation around the world. Blood was associated with birth and death. And these do not fit menstruation. Nobody knew where it came from and why it did not stop bleeding after a few minutes, as in wounds. And so were the women during their menstrual huts in remote locked, so no one else is in contact with these "evil forces". Some cultures are still on thinking. Moreover, no one else saw that the monthly recurring rhythm of menstruation. Often, women were constantly pregnant from puberty or gave up nursing to the transition. The Germans are said to be around 1800 during menstruation no underwear wore under their skirts, giving them a red trail behind.

Towels for recycling:

Until late in the year 1960 were used as cotton rags towels. Of course these developments also made. First they were held in place by straps later, you go shopping needs. There were also paintings that you folded your underwear or with a printer were put down. This was after replacing washed and reused. At specialty shops and on the Internet is still cotton towels for sale.

First disposable towels:

The first disposable towels came in 60 years. It was much thicker and less absorbent than our current pad. This also had to pad your belts are fastened with, what looked like suspenders. Today, the disposable sanitary napkin very convenient adhesive strips. Always developed in the 90 'wings'. Wings with adhesive strips on the pad you to the edge of your underpants fold. In 2000, even the string invented sanitary towel, that because the back tapered fit perfectly in a string.

First Tampon:

Of Egyptian women are known to be associated during their periods a lot put in their vagina (a predecessor of tampon). Around 1930, American asked the Earle C. Haas patent on Tampax, which evolved into the first tampon. He and his wife works in the medical field and had experience with absorbent materials. When his wife complained to the thick napkins Earle Haas went to work. A few years later, the German Carl Hahn developed a similar product. He called the OB (ohne Binde: without context). This product was only after World War II production.

Popularity tampon:

It took a while before the pad was really popular. Only in the year 1970, the tampon popular. In the year 1980 but declined in popularity again. One reason for this in the 'tampon disease ". The last row wearing a tampon, bacteria can accumulate and even death. Still there are some deaths from this disease. In America, 70% of women used tampons. In Britain it is 50%, while Asia and Latin America using very low: only 5% of women use tampons there.

The Cup:

An alternative to pad or tampon is the cup. The Cup is a cup that you insert inside, and that in contrast to the pad and tampon absorbs but does not catch. You have two options here: The Keeper: a rubber cup that is. The SoftCup is a softer and more flexible version of the Keeper, but should be discarded after use.

Pads or tampons?

Women are already faced with the question asked: tampons or pads. Menstruating women do get away at about 20 to 40 years of their lives. Were added many years. Those days are as comfortable as possible is quite important. And that starts with a security solution. The question is: are the tampons or pads? Both pads and tampons have their own specific characteristics.

Contemporary towel: no longer a thick plug between your legs

The time when a huge thick wad towel between your legs was gone. The time that women their cotton rags in a bucket of cold water to put them to cook, is no more. Modern sanitary napkin is fairly small and is hard to see when you're wearing. Problem with this protection is that odors quickly, because the blood comes into contact with oxygen. There is a towel dragged more work than just a tampon in your purse to stop. Yet many women swear by towel. They find it more comfortable, because nothing in your body is stopped. Also, the rich blood flow. When tampons is also important to the subject property into. Anyone who does not, in pain. If the tampon is not inserted deep enough he gets stuck in the most sensitive area and that just takes care of twinges. The only thing that helps is to delete the thing, wait until there is sufficient blood flow and then re-inserting a tampon. Who the pain in his back is still a bit cramped, get the tampon often very difficult again. Problem with towels is not there. Moreover, a sanitary towel quickly made the underpants. Pull off tear strap, the underwear and paste it. Especially for hurried moments easier and more comfortable than a tampon insertion. There is a little more time that is needed and sometimes not. The specimens with a sheath have the advantage of being easier to enter, but still it certainly takes more time than attaching a towel.

Dryness with tampon use

Over again using tampons sometimes makes for a really dry vagina. Of course there for tampons, but certainly at the end of the menstrual cycle, not much more blood. Insertion is often not so easily, removing either. Women who are particularly sensitive to this place, must be careful with both tampons and sanitary towels if they do not want to destroy their vaginal flora. Inserting a tampon while too little moisture, namely ensures cracks which are again an excellent breeding ground for fungi and infections. But that is too long pad is worn is definitely not good for the vagina. Even then there is irritation. Moreover, an ideal moist towel breeding ground for fungi and also infections. Often change is the credo.

Just not used during menstruation

It may not seem very hygienic, but sometimes it's even better for the vagina during menstruation to the end of the routine but just to leave. Pads or tampons with those little few drops still catch will make it a clean lot, but it also means that a tampon or pad for hours inside or outside the vagina, when it is not necessary. The tampons while taking the juices from the vagina, but that just meant to hang on the wall. Provides heating pad, and a vagina do not actually so much served. Who picks up black underwear that is easily washable, has also not suffer as much from that one little drop of it flows out. Obviously at that stage is very important to have good hygiene and after the "leak" as soon as possible to put clean underwear. Also not recommended when swimming or exercising though. Through the movement is often the last menstrual fluid pressed out and then it is no longer a drop, but many drops.

Tampons: in many countries for sale

Those who go abroad and menstruating, tampons should be aware that not all commonplace. Especially in less developed countries can not buy tampons. Use them well, take them along from home. It is also not as common in many countries to openly show off with your period. Keep this in mind, and do not ceremoniously with a pack towel across the street in such countries.

Tampons: in all shapes and sizes

Tampons come in all shapes and sizes. Only the use to decide which tampon for someone fun. That is a question of trying. Some women atmospheres at ordinary tampons you insert your finger, others can not do without tampons with sheath. Tampons are also in sizes. That is not the size of your vagina but with the severity of your period. Whom little is menstruating, can often with mini tampons from the feet. The normal requirement for normal menstruation and the extra for heavy bleeding. Many women have several species in their cupboard. If at the beginning of menstruation fierce, they often use a normal or a maxi pad, after a mini.

Towels: also in all shapes and sizes

As for tampons, is also valid for sanitary towels. There are many different brands of towels for sale and they are there for a light, a medium or a heavy menstruation. The shape of the pad also varies. Some associations are formed all the way to the body, others fit into your slip, but it does as it goes.

Special on gynecological disorders

The special on gynecological disorders is much more information about problems that women can get their bodies eight gels.

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