

Instead of using same curtains if we use curtains according to the season and trend. As it is summer season now, so at this time if we use the curtains which reduces temperature then it will be much comfortable to us.

The dark color Curtain releases and even increases temperature.So its better to choose light color curtains in summer seasons. If you choose the curtains which contains less design so that our house look with more space inside.

If we hang the thin curtains then the air also easyly pass inside our house. 

Choosing white, wheat and rose color etc light color then it will be good for your home.

If you need to hang curtain at the places where lot of rush then you can choose the curtains which contains designs to hang over there.

Such designed curtains will be in layers. which gives a better look. these kind of curains mostly help us in stopping the sounds. So its better to use them in hospitals, studyrooms libraries etc.

While hanging curtains, see the exact size and hang them correctly. If their size is not correct then lot of dust will enter into our house.

Whenever you decided to purchase the curtains for your home or office windows and doors. you need to know the correct measurements of windows and doors. then only you should purchase with that correct meansurement. So that after hanging the curtains your home or house look neat and beautiful.

If you use shifhan materialed curtain in your bed room which gives a pleasant look. Because we will have pleasant sleep. the atmostphere of the room impact on our mind. so we should adopt light colors like white, crean blue colors curtains to hang in our bed rooms. 

I wish you all follow these tips and let me know how you felt after following them through your comments. thank you.

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