In a certain city, there lived a washer man and a potter. They were neighbors and had been friends since their childhood.

The washer man was hard working and gradually grew prosperous. The potter however was not so well off. He was jealous of the washer man and no longer spoke with him. As time passed, the potter became so jealous of the washer man that he began to neglect his own work and he grew poor and poorer. At night he could not sleep and lay awake. At night he would get up and shake his first in the darkness and mumble to himself, ``this scoundrel, why should he grow richer and richer every day while I grow poorer and in spite off my skill and hard work.’’ At last he thought of a plan to ruin the washer man.

The next morning he stood on the steps in the market square and waited for the king to pass by on his elephant. He knew that every morning the king would go to the Royal Gardens and would pass that way.

An expected, the king came. Just as he was about to pass him by, the potter exclaimed, ``What a shame to have our great king riding on a black elephant, especially when the animal could have been washed clean and white by a master washer man.’’

The king was not intelligent. He asked, ``yours is a very good suggestion. But do you think I can find such a master washer man who can wash my black elephant and make it white?’’

The potter said, ``There are so many types of soap but only a master washer man will know all the details. I now a master washer man who will be able t do this work. He is my neighbor. If you agree, I will call him.’’ The king felt very pleased and rewarded the potter.

As soon as the king reached the place, he immediately sent the washer man. When the washer man arrived, the king said. ``You are a master washer man. Take this elephant, was it. After a week you must bring this black elephant as a white one’’.

The washer man was very disturbed at the king’s impossible order. But he was a clever man. He guessed it must have been the jealous potter who had played this tick on him. He kept quiet. The king said impatiently to the washer man, ``Washer man why do you not say anything?’’

The wise washer man replied, ``It is a great honor for me to wash your elephant, but I have a problem you know that before washing clothes we steam them in big pot to make them white. I am worried that I do not have a large pot steam the elephant’’.

The wise washer man replied, ``It is a great honor for me to wash your elephant, but I have a problem you know that before washing clothes we steam them in a big pot to make them white. I am worried that I do not have a large pot to steam the elephant.’’

The king said, ``you are right washer man do not worry. I will arrange a big pot for you.’’ The king called the potter and ordered him to make such a big pot in which the elephant could be washed.

The potter spent days making a large pot. When the pot was ready, the washer man put the elephant into the pot, but the moment the elephant stepped into it, the pot broke into several pieces due to the elephant’s weight.

The foolish king was very angry that this elephant was still black due to the potter. Therefore, he again ordered for another pot and yet another pot. This went on and the jealous potter died of a broken heart.







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