A study tour is an essential part of a student’s academic career. It provides him first hand experience with men and matters. When a tour is conducted from school or college, the students get chance to freely mingle with other students. They feel free with the teachers who accompany them. This helps in developing a close relationship among students themselves and between students and teachers.

A study tour helps the students observe the special features of the world in which they live. They can watch and enjoy sights of nature-rivers, mountain valley, seas and the Flora and fauna of a place. If the tour is conducted to some factory or historical museum, it spares them direct knowledge or information.

Book knowledge seldom motivates a student. A student’s mind is dynamic and he longs for knowledge that is rather live than kept buried in the text book. An occasion ofa study tour gives him his chance.

He explores and finds out new things. He studies how to face situations. He comes face to face with living realities. He enjoys being part of a group moving towards a common end. He develops social sense and he learns to accommodate the tastes and limitations of others. The journey itself moulds them.

The so called study tour rarely proves a failure. If it is poorly organized, then no doubt it is destined to fail. Too much discipline imposed on the touring children will also affect the sprit of the journey adversely. The place chosen for the tour should be an ideal one. It should not be a far lying place or one which calls for very long journey. Apart from learning,students should enjoy the time they spend together with their friends and teachers. Thus a study tour is very important in the life of a school/college student.

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