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SHANA MARIA VERGHIS wrote: RAMAKRISHNAN. A wrote: What I have learned from some philosophical books regarding the evolution of mantras is as follows: A mantra is a sacred word or words discovered by the ancient sages in a state of super-consciousness. Mantras when uttered produce sacred sounds and every sound is responsible for a particular form. In creation, sound precedes form.  Mantras exist both in subtle state and in gross state, depending on the degree of vibration of its sound. Normally, we can hear only gross sounds. But the sages with spiritual practice could hear them or ‘see’ them in their subtle state (and hence sages are called ‘Seers’). In the super-conscious state the sages heard or ‘saw’ these subtle mantras and their meaning had been revealed to them.  When they returned to their conscious state, they remembered these mantras and taught to their disciples, insisting them the repetition of mantras so that they can also reach the super-conscious state in which the mantras were revealed. Shana sez: Yes exactly. I do meditation so I understand this perfectly. In fact I have had a Kundalini rising so I'm with it every day. Though I am not saintly for most of the time! But I want to dig even deeper. I've already written a book about my Kundalini experience. It's with the publisher, and it is a constantly evolving process. I have actually seen the light form of the Kundalini with my naked eyes, when I was wide awake. It was a most surreal and I was happy to discover a few reported cases on the web who had the rare sighting. Otherwise it is mostly felt, rather than seen. It is basically your storehouse of energy making you aware that this abundance lies within you. And it is infinite potential. Meditation is basically about reaching subtler states of perception to widen the human experience which is personal and can  be enjoyed through the mind and the sense. To have a more rounded experience of reality, your senses have to be finer, and refinement comes through processes like meditation. Then you can see what is actually going on, instead of blundering in constant survival mode. And wasting unnecessary energy without putting it to good purpose.  You wrote 'sacred sounds and every sound is responsible for a particular form.,' I think that calls for very deep exploration of what the possibility actually means. I am excited to know that you have had the experience of Kundalini rising and had its rare sighting. Yes, it is the ultimate goal of every human soul is to realize this infinite potential within us and only a person perfect in meditation can achieve this wonderful feat. I appreciate your sincere efforts and dedication to reach the pinnacle of perfection. I would like to read your amazing Kundalini experience. Once the book is published, kindly let me know. Regarding ‘every sound is responsible for a particular form’, I would like to add:   Every spoken word creates an image in our mind whether the object is physically present before us or not. There are two sounds in the words we speak. One is the potential sound (the subtle word) that exists in our mind before we utter the word; and the second is the uttered word. This potential sound within our mind is called the sphota or Shabda-Brahman or Nada-Brahman.  Creation is possible only if there is an initial movement or vibration. Behind the manifestation of the form of this universe, there should be an eternal and inexpressible sphota, the first cosmic vibration, by which the universe awoke from its cosmic sleep and the equilibrated energy is released (what the modern scientists interpret as Big-Bang expansion of the Singularity). As per Hindu Philosophy, this sphota is represented by the mantra Aum, which is the nearest possible sound-symbol with profoundest meaning that cannot be expressed by any other sound.    
8 years ago
I think its your state of mind, your intent and your action. But in nature there is no good or bad. You don't have a badly behaving raindrop or a river that is evil. You don't have a  lion or a bad flower. Animals follow instinct. Though pet owners will disagree! But even the Dog Whisperer knows this. We have certain impressions formed because of our limited five senses. Which is our way to access the world, in general. But when we use our sixth sense we realise that good and bad are just labels and they keep changing according to our mood, our enviroment and thought. Mostly it all seems to revolve around the thoughts that supply us with labels and information that is usually based on limited perspective. This leads to misconceptions, flawed conclusions, unfounded fears and baseless biases. We literally create imaginary worlds of paradise and hell in our head which is seldom in rhythm with the reality around us. And we don't give ourselves enough time to reflect on our perception and watch reality in slow motion. We rarely see the bigger picture and our role in it as bit players. Instead we construct universes with ourselves as the focal point. When science discovered that the Earth was not the centre of the universe, it was not just a technical discovery, but a purely philosophical and spiritual one, that allowed man to see his part in the scheme of things. Although he doesn't seem to be paying much notice to that information. Perhaps he is not ready to absorbed the knowledge because of the leisurely natural process that involve his evolving from an atom to superconsciousness. It's probably part of a long process and will take its course. I, for my part, am pretty sure that's where he is supposed to be heading.
8 years ago
MG Singh wrote: One fact that cannot be brushed under the carpet is that women in the sub-continent are not given equal status. Both Islam and hinduism have failed to evolve like the Christian faith in the west.  A lot of this is due to obscurantist religious  leaders who are held in awe  here. I dont think this will change for another 100 years this shows how much education is lacking in them. Mainly the uneducated people thinks that but i we got shocked when we come to see the thinking of today's educated people, yeah some of the educated are there in India who also thinks that women are minor and they are superior from them and some of them are who don't think women as human   
8 years ago
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8 years ago
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8 years ago
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8 years ago
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8 years ago
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8 years ago
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8 years ago
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8 years ago
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8 years ago
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8 years ago
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8 years ago
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8 years ago