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Here is my opinion in this problem, If anyone deducting Karma there must be a option to mention the reason.....
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{CJATTACHMENT ["id": 3519]}
Wow! I stand truly humbled before all of you! Thanks a lot to Maverick and my big-hearted friends who have demonstrated their support and love for me in ample measure in such a manner that words fail me! Now it's time to move on and put all these behind to put all our energies and enthusiasm to make our time in boddunan a rollicking one! Thank you once again!
Maverick thanks for looking into this.

Chinmoy, I can see your karma is now restored to 22 :) :) :)

whereas my karma is now down to 8 from 10 :(

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

I only giving possitive and deducting negative karma to you

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Thanks a lot,Sarala! It really feels nice to this after a gap of a few days.
I think its nice suggession to put some reason for deducting karma so user will deduct karma only on specific reason.

Santosh Kumar Singh


Well, this is really shocking to hear

But we Indians claim to have a very good heart,why deduct karma after all?

Chinmoy ji, I think you have heavy competition here,someone must be jealous of you

Why dont we keep 'Boddunan CBI' :)

Swetha Shenoy
YES swetha its good suggession . There should be option button of boddunan cbi. the conditioin to use should be deduduciton of some point means you could know opposition if you loss some point. so game will be interesting.

Santosh Kumar Singh


No Swetha! It shouldn't be CBI,rather name it as BBI - Boddunan Bureau of Investigation!
Wow nice investigation. Let us suggest to admin to start this also:)

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

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