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There are some trigger-happy men in our forces but in this case it is very difficult to know as to what led to this tragedy!
They must ask them why they are crossing it and after they must take action on them.

every person knows the consequence of crossing the border illegally. she risked her life. you cannot blame the soldiers alone for this...
No this is not right those person are also a human being by mistake they enter into other border.
No this is not right those person are also a human being by mistake they enter into other border.

it is not by mistake. they cross the border ilegally knowing that they will be shoot at....such attempts are now on the rise........
Deepak, thanks for the link! Actually it is a bit difficult to blame the BSF soldiers for this incident. Illegal immigration of Bangladeshis into India is a major headache and to honestly face the facts, soldiers in the Indian Army and the BSF are very much overworked and are under a lot of pressure, this is much more in the case of personnel deployed on borders. Also the people who cross borders illegally are equally to blame as they know fully well that they are risking their lives.

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Thank you said by: deepak
a hesitation on the part of the soldiers might result in mass killing of those soldiers....we have to understand that those soldiers too are humans and they jeopardize their life for our safety....evem if we dont salute them....we should not condemn them....
deepak you are right they are also humans and they are spending their life for our life. we will salute them for their work but they also know enemies are also humans.

Our men at the the borders should be resorting to extreme action in exceptional circumstances!
If Mistake made by anyone then this type of incedent may happen so everyone go right way. Crime can be done by anyone its men or women and mistake can kill anyone so person itself responsible for killing himself.

Santosh Kumar Singh


Without knowing that why those girls are crossed the border . killing them is not right. see kasab is still alive, Our indian government is spending alot of money though we know he is a dangerous person and not worthful. By this we can know that our Indian government kill incent people and look after the people who are dangerous

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

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