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Happiness are the biggest part of life.whenever we do any good work or just visit some nice place we get happy.

Sharmistha Banerjee
Yes every thing in life cannot be perfect, though everything is not perfect, small things which make us unhappy, but then to I am happy

Yes every thing in life cannot be perfect, though everything is not perfect, small things which make us unhappy, but then to I am happy

Forget about those small things which make you unhappy, because those unhappiness you don't want. Be happy for what you have at present and happy for what you could have in future.

Want to make each day Accountable

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Being happy is an art. Source of happiness resides with every human being. Everyone should realize it so that they can be happy.

Born to express, not to impress.
Happiness and sadness are related to attitude. If we take everything positively then happiness will always be there with us.
Happiness and sadness are related to attitude. If we take everything positively then happiness will always be there with us.

We should try to have everything which comes to us in positive way.

Want to make each day Accountable

Being happy is a good habit and good for health.
A source of good living.
A source of good living.As the life is very difficult these days,Happiness severs as tonic.
Nice quote. In any situation good or bad we should always happy. it is a good habit and also good for health
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