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A girl committed suicide as she was harassed by 'lover boy' on Facebook. There is security safeguard on Facebook. If some one is unable to face the Facebook mischievous users, he should better abstain from that social site.

When one enters a social networking site, he /she is supposed to know, the risks and advantages of the site.In the absence of courage and conviction, one should avoid the site, especially a site like Facebook which is noted for controversies.

These factors will now start coming out more forcefully when such incidents become more and more public. I hope that will be for the better.
Thank you said by: Gulshan Kumar Ajmani
This happens when we get involved in to the social sites too much. People really are not afraid of sharing their phone numbers with the people whom they never met just chat on the sites which I feel becomes a problem most of the time.
This happens when we get involved in to the social sites too much. People really are not afraid of sharing their phone numbers with the people whom they never met just chat on the sites which I feel becomes a problem most of the time.

That's where your commonsense comes into pay, I have given my number to hundreds of my friends but never faced a bad incident til date.

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