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Sheep is made to donate wool, wherever it goes. Likewise a commoner is made to believe that donate what you have. Your money to religious purpose, political use, paying bribes, taxation (just or unjust) and your vote in the name of your right. If people who are donating big to satisfy themselves, there is nothing wrong. It would have gone to taxes anyway You never know how the money is utilized paid in taxes and please don't tell me it goes to public welfare, since 80-90% is not , but wasted on unproductive jobs.

But until thse places are also using it for good purpose like school hospitals, there is no point in donating them either. At least with taxes govt can do bit useful if not all

Donation is your own discretion based on your assessment of the Donne's reputation and character.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Sheep is made to donate wool, wherever it goes. Likewise a commoner is made to believe that donate what you have. Your money to religious purpose, political use, paying bribes, taxation (just or unjust) and your vote in the name of your right. If people who are donating big to satisfy themselves, there is nothing wrong. It would have gone to taxes anyway You never know how the money is utilized paid in taxes and please don't tell me it goes to public welfare, since 80-90% is not , but wasted on unproductive jobs.

But until thse places are also using it for good purpose like school hospitals, there is no point in donating them either. At least with taxes govt can do bit useful if not all

Donation is your own discretion based on your assessment of the Donne's reputation and character.

And donations are done keeping in mind the tax rebates also. Most people donate for return either in form of blessing or looking for financial gains, some do it for name and fame. In most cases its is not donation but bribe which brings you something back.

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