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After few years some of notes which are relevant and frequent in use could disappear and become legend.

I love the old 1 rupee note which is balckish in colur and ornage colured 2 rupee note. i was searching for these notes for a long time. But I couldn't get.

It seems you are interested in Numismatics, collection of currency, including coins, That's a good hobby. All the best.
After few years some of notes which are relevant and frequent in use could disappear and become legend.

I love the old 1 rupee note which is balckish in colur and ornage colured 2 rupee note. i was searching for these notes for a long time. But I couldn't get.

post it on any auction site you will get it. One Rupee and two rupee note available. some customer give me these.
Thank you said by: RobertP
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