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A good anti spam software, and also a good anti virus suit can create safe sandboxing elements for using email inside internet. :whistle: :whistle:

Despite all the precautions stated, I'm unable to stop unwanted mails flooding my in box. Of course most of them though harmless.
Some works inside email inbox can be done manually to stop inadvertent emails from tresspassing inbox, I found this advice helpful.

Oh, let me try this. If it works it would be a great relief for me.
Good rule posted on Yahoo for e-mail. This new rules really help a lot. These rules help in controlling cyber crimes.
Good rule posted on Yahoo for e-mail. This new rules really help a lot. These rules help in controlling cyber crimes.

Yes. A considerable number of cyber crimes are taking place through E mails. One should be cautious while using e mails. A good computer protection software can save the user.
Useful information and everybody should be careful about it before e-mailing.
Useful information and everybody should be careful about it before e-mailing.

All of us get luring mails offering good amount of cash. If we open this mail lured by the offer and give our personal details and credit card details, they will lead to many complications including loss of money. One should be vigilant about such cyber crimes.
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