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Man has been interfering the lives of other species since ages. He has left no room for others to exist or to fight for their existence.

Man being the superior of all creation, will encroach in to other species' domains out of fear and greed.
Unbelievable but it happened, when fighting with life sometimes courage seems to generate this time snake has that.

What all options do you think crowd witnessing the incident had?
What all options do you think crowd witnessing the incident had?

There is only one option. seeing an amazing spectacle that's unbelievable.
Do you wish to be part of the crowd? Cause I am not courageous enough to withstand the whole scene been carried out for so long.
People always like weak to win, here when snake defeats croco it becomes a rarity. Exceptions are always nice to read.

No one could interfere between those two animals because it would be deadly for that person. The only logical thing that anyone could have done was call animal control.
Thank you said by: Reena
Rightly said, instead of recording the thing over their camera, some one must have called for help.
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