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Well, Indians are getting very much attention in some cases.. Such jokes are just jokes and honestly I think many of them are made by Indians only... So I don't think we can think that we are getting teased just by this.

Well, Indians are getting very much attention in some cases.. Such jokes are just jokes and honestly I think many of them are made by Indians only... So I don't think we can think that we are getting teased just by this.

Indians are proving their mettle and excellence in almost all the fields. Indian children emerged as champions in many international prestigious competitions like NASA and Spell Bee. The joke on Indians is outdated and stale. If one keeps an eye on the achievements of Indians , one can know the irrelevance of such jokes. The latest example of Indian excellence is Satya's CEO position in the Microsoft.
In other thread I have read successful people remain silent, and this is what Indians should be doing as there is no way one can silence bad mouths,

In other thread I have read successful people remain silent, and this is what Indians should be doing as there is no way one can silence bad mouths,

There is no serious about such teasing. We have jokes on Sikhs- sardarji jokes, Jats etc. Similarly, there could be jokes on Indians also.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

In other thread I have read successful people remain silent, and this is what Indians should be doing as there is no way one can silence bad mouths,

There is no serious about such teasing. We have jokes on Sikhs- sardarji jokes, Jats etc. Similarly, there could be jokes on Indians also.

Joke itself means that it is mentioned in a lighter vein. O f course there are Jokes not only on Indians. But there are several Irish and Jews jokes. They remained as jokes.
Thank you said by: Gulshan Kumar Ajmani
If you are confident you will be able to take any kind of joke in your stride and silence the jokers...Honestly we should do what we have to do and worry less about what others say about us, because doing so would be a waste of time...

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

If you are confident you will be able to take any kind of joke in your stride and silence the jokers...Honestly we should do what we have to do and worry less about what others say about us, because doing so would be a waste of time...

Achievers neither notice nor care for the ridicules, heckling that fall on their way. It's of common knowledge that any effort of an achiever are received with frowns of the wayfarers.
Many Nobel Laureautes were booed and whistled in the beginning
Silence can be best remedy, teasing happens in most spheres of life such as while at school and later on in professional studies, and even in Indian cricket team, the newest member of test player by default have to stand in short leg to hear the batting music.

The very meaning of Teasing says making fun in a playful way. If somebody takes it seriously he will be the loser. He is hurting himself.
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