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Yes there are many risks involved.. So better use it with all alert. I use my at ATM and for some online purchase.. But yes with all concern and with only popular site.

Better to avoid plastic money even if you are aware of the credentials of a site

well, cant avoid as there are many benefits of it too.... I dont want to list any site here but i think big and legit sites are safe enough for the same,

Sites may be genuine. But what about hackers?

Those genuine sites take care of them.. They do apply better security services on their site and for all transactions to prevent such security problems.

Yes there are many risks involved.. So better use it with all alert. I use my at ATM and for some online purchase.. But yes with all concern and with only popular site.

Better to avoid plastic money even if you are aware of the credentials of a site

well, cant avoid as there are many benefits of it too.... I dont want to list any site here but i think big and legit sites are safe enough for the same,

Sites may be genuine. But what about hackers?

Those genuine sites take care of them.. They do apply better security services on their site and for all transactions to prevent such security problems.

If you are confident, you can proceed. After all safety and security for the user is the criteria.
Yes there are many risks involved.. So better use it with all alert. I use my at ATM and for some online purchase.. But yes with all concern and with only popular site.

Better to avoid plastic money even if you are aware of the credentials of a site

well, cant avoid as there are many benefits of it too.... I dont want to list any site here but i think big and legit sites are safe enough for the same,

Sites may be genuine. But what about hackers?

Those genuine sites take care of them.. They do apply better security services on their site and for all transactions to prevent such security problems.

If you are confident, you can proceed. After all safety and security for the user is the criteria.

Well, in past even I was very concerned regarding this thing... But after having few experience I am satisfied with it.. In some cases online shopping have more benefit in case of offline.

Yes there are many risks involved.. So better use it with all alert. I use my at ATM and for some online purchase.. But yes with all concern and with only popular site.

Better to avoid plastic money even if you are aware of the credentials of a site

well, cant avoid as there are many benefits of it too.... I dont want to list any site here but i think big and legit sites are safe enough for the same,

Sites may be genuine. But what about hackers?

Those genuine sites take care of them.. They do apply better security services on their site and for all transactions to prevent such security problems.

If you are confident, you can proceed. After all safety and security for the user is the criteria.

Well, in past even I was very concerned regarding this thing... But after having few experience I am satisfied with it.. In some cases online shopping have more benefit in case of offline.

Yes. Now the online shopping has become reliable with many safety precautions.
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