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:( Womanizing has one advantage. Prostrate cancer is preveted if you have sex woth more partners.

In foreign countries men are having relationship with more than one partner and there also men are getting suffered by prostate cancer problems. It is a age related problem and the prostate glands grow after the age of 40.

Whatever the reason to believe that prostate cancer has any thing to to do with monogamy I find it absolutely worthless and see no scientific reason in that. I think anyone funny or a sex manic himself might have DISCOVERED this funny fact.

Yes i am also having the same opinion of this funny fact.

Their conclusions are neither scientific nor confident. They have made some general assumptions based on the study or survey of some selected persons. And they have consciously kept silent about other deadly diseases that are likely to yield during the process.

All such surveys are started on certain findings and this one is also the same. Sometimes back there was a rumor in the air that AIDS is curable if person suffering from it sleeps with small girls. What a rubbish solution for such a dangerous disease.

Research conducted on statistical data is unreliable. Clinical research is more reliable.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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