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It is also said that dreams are the actions of our subconscious mind, which is awake even if we are fast asleep, by which it converts the thoughts of our conscious mind into picture forms, expressing in a symbolic manner. In most cases these pictures will be very strange and the actions will be super human.The dreams are 'thought specific'.


Absolutely. Dreams are not sex specific, but " Thought Specific."


Another truth is that Dreams are the only things that a blind person as well as a person with eyesight can see alike.

hi how are you all, I have some other considerations on this subject. Generally, men have one brain and women have two brains and it might have some effects on dreaming aspects while at subconscious stage of sleeping.

Dreams are totally dependent on the conditions that often pregnant women dream of babies and it is their latent thoughts that appear as dreams. 

“A mistake is a crash-course in learning” – Billy Anderson

The thoughts which you cou could not express or  achieve, fears are some of the factors that contribute to dreams. Anyhow they are not gender specific.

Actually dreams are food for our thoughts. It may or may not  happen in future but it immediately gives us the pleasure of achievement in our dreams. Everybody will get dreams whether he is rich or not and it is not gender specific.

All of us dream. In fact they are necessary for everybody's future targets and objective irrespective of gender.

True, all of us dream but some of us remember and others don't. 

“A mistake is a crash-course in learning” – Billy Anderson

The issue is if the dreams are gender specific or not. Not if the dreams are remembered or forgotten.

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