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Absolutely.. And we can do nothing about such disasters. That shows who is more powerful.


If the natural resources are preserved, the effect of natural calamities like cyclones, tsunamis etc can be reduced to some extent.

This is because our population is increasing at an infinite rate and the way it's increasing I feel there would be no place for us to live on earth. I think first we need to control it when we talk about saving nature.

“Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's needs, but not every man's greed.” - Mahatma Gandhi.  This explains all. Accept whatever the nature gives you. Then all things fall in their respective place.

That is why space agencies are planning for future settlements at Mar and am sure humans will also make it worse than earth with their bad habits.

True, the main objectives of some of the leading Space researching body's like NASA are exploring the possibilities of living on Mars. 

Even earth citizens reaching at Mars end up destroying their atmosphere, and creating havoc like they do here in earth surfaces.

That's altogether a different proposition. Let the possibilities for human dwelling on Mars come out in a full fledged manner.

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