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Person who aims to dream for success should achieve prominence in its goal of self-development to start to believe in its own soul and the prominence of inner imagination turning into set of dreams.

Dreams act as your guidelines on the way to your journey towards success.

Visualizing success inside a lucid dream and achieving this may take a long time but does not lose heart and self containment in between. It provides you root to solve life problems and go in proper manner.

What all you need is sitting in a calm and serene place and contemplate on your objectives and goals and put them in to practice in a methodical manner. There is no necessity of lucid dreaming.

Big people dreams and they turn dreams into reality but in reality those dreams are day dreams seating in isolated place such as Jilling and looking at environment like Einstein to find something bigger than e-mc square.

Yes. its immaterial whether it is a daydream or a night dream. The criteria is to dream.

Perhaps the developing and nurturing of dreams comes not from natural process of thinking, that could lead to reaching of something exceptional which we could not have reached to it due to optional circumstances.

It should come through your willing contemplation on your plans and objectives. One need not dream literally. Just give a thought with awareness.

Artists dream of a subject and then make an art craft which many sees it and tries to read it from these lines, similarly there are many such dreams in terms of artistic works as well as novels where authors live with it and readers try to decipher it many a times though at some times due to mere absurdity they unable to find the root cause of it but still there are many ideas to cross which should be dreamt of.

For anything intended for executing a pre-plan is necessary. Some people call it dreaming. A work without planning is walking with a blindfold.

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