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I am not tired of working even for 18 hours a day but I get tired of waiting for anything unnecessarily.  


Definitely waiting for someone kills me too. I don't like people who keep me waiting for anything.


Waiting itself contributes to Non-activity. That means your valuable time goes away without being productive. Which is why oe loses temper when someone makes him wait. And such waiting leads to boredom which makes you dull. Each minute of waiting looks like eternity. This is worst than an ailment.

Monotony is tiresome. So, changing task or item of work every few hours brings efficiency and work is more interesting. 

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

All parts of human body feels tired eventually, except tongue. As Rockwell said be tired and feel proud of yourself.

That is exactly what I mean. Tiredness due to work is welcome. But not due to inactivity.

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