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On my first appointment during probation period, i was deputed to work under female boss, and my permanent in job during probation period is with her, and with due respect, I respect her for helping me out to work under such difficult and new conditions and still whenever we meet during journey still the boss smile of her, though I changed my organization, still reminds me of dedication, and work ethics, I have great respect for female boss.

Irrespective of the gender, anyone who function to the satisfaction of organizational needs and the staff it  doesn't matter.


Females are good workers but poor bosses. Having had both Indian and foreign women under me in my prest appontment, i will say their decision making ability is suspect. Independent decision in crunch situation they are a failure.

I never had any problems working with female bosses. My Boss used to involve all the members concerned, discuss and then come to a definitive decision. She has an excellent record of prompt and accurate decisions which saved lot of money to the organization.


working under female boss for women is little difficult to work,for men it is good.

Opinions vary. While for some it is bad and for some it's a good experience working under woman Boss.


Wel, I feel it is not correct. Everything depends upon the mindset of the person or people. I mean boss and the employees. Even myself worked under a female boss. She is very good with me and very friendly, Never showed any difference between me and her. she treated me as a friend. 

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Generalizing the subject is not justified. Advantages and disadvantages are there in both the ways.


Wel, Rambabu Sir, You are right, everything has a 2 sides that is advantages and disadvantages. So some female boss will be kind hearted and some harsh heart. So we should blame them. Whether it is female or male boss, everything will be according to the mindset and understanding

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

I personally am a beneficiary working under female boss. She gave all the opportunities which made Me professional designer and a graphic artist.

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