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Tip 9 Lemons remain fresh by soaking them in cold water for an hour everyday.
Tip Ten: For easy make of curd just drop two or three lemon drops to some milk and wait for two hours.

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@Abid.. Thanks for the tips.. :)

TIP 11:
To make the milk curdling process fast, add a piece of red chilly to the bowl to make the curd(in milk).

Thanks 'n' Regards,
Tip 12"

To make the fridge fragrant keep a piece of lemon always in fridge.

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Tip 13 "For crisp dosas add few grains of dry fenugreek seeds while grinding rice."
nagalakshmi.karunanidhi wrote:
[quote]Tip 13 "For crisp dosas add few grains of dry fenugreek seeds while grinding rice."[/quote]

fenugreek seeds?

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[quote]nagalakshmi.karunanidhi wrote:

Tip 13 "For crisp dosas add few grains of dry fenugreek seeds while grinding rice."

fenugreek seeds? [/quote]

Yes Abid, fenugreek seeds does give crispness to dosas and also improves nutritional value due to iron in the seeds,.

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- W. C. Fields :)

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