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Proper shoes are not only important for good looking dressup but also useful for good posture while walking..So it is important to concentrate on shoes also. :)
wearing apware is not the main thing they should be dignified.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

'Men are identified by his shoes and women with jewelery', a saying going like something. However, wearing of shoe make big part of your Image, it keeps you going and your feet will have better grip on the ground. It also preventing you from injuries and boosts your confidence. You should choose the right shoes which give you more comfort.
I agree with you basheer, Comfortability is the important while choosing shoes

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Basheer wrote:
[quote]'Men are identified by his shoes and women with jewelery', a saying going like something. However, wearing of shoe make big part of your Image, it keeps you going and your feet will have better grip on the ground. It also preventing you from injuries and boosts your confidence. You should choose the right shoes which give you more comfort.[/quote]

We should not bother about advertisers' catchy slogans. Men and women both are identified by their achievements. Simple living is the sign of all intelligent men and women.

However, it is necessary to do everything in proper and orderly manner. Hence our dress should be simple but neat and tidy. The shoe should also be clean and well polished though these need not be costly. Cleanliness is said to be next to godliness.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Foot care is always important. We put our whole weight on the feet. They should be given special care always.

Thanks 'n' Regards,
Shoes are mostly important for military people I mean soldiers.without shoes they cannot move in the forests and all the places where they protect our India.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

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