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Wriing quality article is not impossible.But I think low payment is the problem here.

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@ santhosh
this was a great help for the boddunan we do. If we submit articles of latest things in market.

@Abit I do agree with you. The payment is very less.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Yes I think payment should be depend upon value of contents then lenght of contents but who can decide which have more value and which have less so some new option for editor should be there.

Santosh Kumar Singh


Yes I agree payment should be given by the quaity otby lenghth ofthe article . Stories and poems are lways given less cash , I don't understand why ?
Yes I agree payment should be given by the quaity otby lenghth ofthe article . Stories and poems are lways given less cash , I don't understand why ?

If they supply some information (as the site caption indicates) it may get higher payment.

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