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A person may have more than one email address because if one site is down, then have can opt for the next best alternative from other. It is good to have gmail, yahoo, hotmail account. I have two email ids.
I have more than three emails in yahoo mail .i do it to access yahoo answers.
I have many email ids especially one for the official and another for the personal use.
I have more than 3 email address ,

I think my total number is 20 email ids

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

I have more than 3 email address ,

I think my total number is 20 email ids

20 email ids it`s really impossible.. How do you remember your id and password??
@satish kail
I keep same password to al ids and my mail id is
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. formate. So the number place gets change upto 20. Got it ?

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

I have two email id-gmail and yahoo, but I frequently use gmail as it has more facilities.
I have more than three email address i used to access two out of three daily.
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