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Ya i prefer to ban as the drinking habit of people spoils the environment of homes.
Yes I think ban should be for some age but not for whole age. it should not be allowed to below 25 years.

Santosh Kumar Singh


yes,surely.Drinking is very bad for health,it doesn't matter whatever state it is.
Ban never works and it makes it more popular! It has been tried unsuccessfully in the past!
ban on drinking alcohol is necessary as it spoil the life and family atmosphere

yes drinking must be ban in all over india that makes better for most of the families.

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Drinking must be ban in all states as it spoils many lives and family.
I agree with our friends opinions but I feel that though the drinking got ban in all the state of India but there is no surity that people will stop selling and stop drinking it. So to abolish drinking, we should think a good plan so that people who drink and who sell them should stop and then our will be great with out any drinkers and without any alcohol in the India. There fore, we can get a award to our INDIA that" No drinker in India"

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Yes drinking is very bad when you drive a vechicle it is so dangerous for us so it must be banned.
In cold countries, people drink to keep their body warm. In India some states are too cold throughout the year. People living in such states drink to keep their body warm. On the other hand, addiction of alcoholic drinks, not only kills the person, it also kills his family. Drinking in poor family or drinking bad quality, poisonous, alcoholic drinks should be banned in all over the country.
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