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To love someone there is no limit at all. that may be lover, parents or anyone. Love is a kind of mind meditation

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

there is no limitation of true love and any type of love can not be measured.
Love is word which has no limit. Loving lover means it should be loving our self.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Dear Sarala

Your lines are like a nice love quote I like it realy love is great to love others means we will be happy.

Santosh Kumar Singh


yes, a person who cannot love them selves how can they love others.

Loving others is a great thing. if we love someone it is not necessary that we should marry that person only. we should just love until our heart beats and our breath is active in our body on the earth.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

u can see santosh everyone is saying there is no limit to love partner. love is endless.
Love is endless you are right isha. tell how much we love a person. when time comes then love comes out

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Unconditional love never ends. Hope you better understood.
Manas can you please explain me what is the unconditional love and what is conditional love. i never heard these words

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Conditional love means love depends upon some condition like give and take funda but in unconditional love people love without thinking of give and take.

Santosh Kumar Singh


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