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True can be said as fact, honest and which can never be changed by any means.
True means which your heart says to do. Sometimes mind may go wrong but heart never go

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Everyone has defined it very well and now I will try to do the same...

Anything which is not false is true. Purity is also true and justice is a great truth. Whatever we see is also true but how we take it sometimes contaminates truth...!
But ajay whatever we see is true you said . but this statement is wrong. what ever we see may look like truth but there may be false in that.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

But ajay whatever we see is true you said . but this statement is wrong. what ever we see may look like truth but there may be false in that.

i agree with you. this discussion reminds me of a saying.." never believe only your eyes"..everything we see cannot be true....
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