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car prices are increasing...petrol prices are going high...inflation is rocketing...not a good era to live in.....

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again see the dates abhishek....think before you post anything here...
petrol prices are on all time high and don't seem to go low anytime in near future, now car prices are high and already food items which are the basic part of daily intake are also costly, great!! don't know what aam-aadmi would do now.
302205_2142313397462_1235021060_31786094_407056532_n_2011-11-29.jpg (You do not have access to download this file.)
As petrol price is rocketing there will be demand for diesel models.So they hike the price.

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petrol prices are on all time high and don't seem to go low anytime in near future, now car prices are high and already food items which are the basic part of daily intake are also costly, great!! don't know what aam-aadmi would do now.

i am sharing a picture here...see and note the difference in petrol prices...
Due to petrol prices people are showing intrest on diesel cars for that he used business tactic here.

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Due to petrol prices people are showing intrest on diesel cars for that he used business tactic here.

diesel cars are getting sold like hot cakes...Chevrolet beat got the highest sales last week..
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