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The government is always looking at the softer options. Just go on adding to the burden of common man!
The suggestion provided by Dada is very nice and we should be aware about this. i also heard that the petrol prices are increasing upto 68 paise.This will come into act from tonight only.
@Ram Prosad

Petroleum products are mostly imported and the falling rupee is adding to the cost of imports enormously as payments are all in US dollars! We have to find an imaginative solution to this complex problem. Thanks!
@ chinmoy
i have posted this pic before..but how can you explain this pic....if other countries can provide petrol at lower rates why not india..
I think some oil-producing countries have lowers prices and some countries have a lot of subsidy in it. The problem is that apart from the cost of purchase the government actually earns revenue by adding taxes to it like customs duty,Central Excise and also Vat by states!
the difference in prices in these countries baffles me...nepal and bangladesh ..our neighbors..they provide petrol at almost 1/3rd cost in india.
Now a day petrol price are rise in such a way that in future it is difficult to use it.

I am not sure if it is one third but the main factors contributing to this are the reasons I mentioned earlier.
This became play for the government. whenever they feel they will decrease whenever they feel they will increase. This is really bad. few days before they have decreased the price. and now they are increasing again.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

green cess on petrol
The panel, headed by Delhi Metro chief E Sreedharan, has suggested urban transport tax on purchase of new cars and two-wheelers at 7.5% of the total cost of petrol vehicles and 20% in case of personal diesel cars.

The recommendations, which are guided by the "polluter pays principle", aim to discourage use of private vehicles by imposing higher taxes and also help generate resources to fund public transport projects.
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